What we care about

Our Founder and CEO is a lawyer who has worked in the legal industry in Thailand and Vietnam since 2010. As an Expat, he has experienced how seemingly insignificant problems can become lengthy, complicated ordeals for a variety of reasons. But with the benefit of having a legal team behind him all these years, the time and energy spent on solving these problems was minimized.

And that’s why he created Pegleg!

Everyone should have a legal team to help handle their problems but not have to pay hourly rates to get it. Pegleg aims to become the premier tech-enabled legal plan provider in Asia.


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Some placeholder content for the first accordion panel. This panel is shown by default, thanks to the .show class.

Some placeholder content for the second accordion panel. This panel is hidden by default.

And lastly, the placeholder content for the third and final accordion panel. This panel is hidden by default.